李容录,赵闵亨[1](1992)在《一致收敛原理(英文)》一文中研究指出Recently, the locally convex space theory has obtained a series of proper developments and improvements by the agency of the Basic Matrix Theorem (BMT) duc to J. Mikusinski and P. Antosik. In this note, we would like to present another basic theorem named Uniform Convergence Principle (UCP). We shall show that UCP has the same effects as BMT, though UCP is easier than BMT in their proofs. UCP. Let G be an abelian topological group and Ωa sequentially compact space.(本文来源于《哈尔滨工业大学学报》期刊1992年03期)
本文来源: https://www.lunwen66.cn/article/72373efee5316f39a7775a40.html