
An Improved Limited Tolerance Dominance Relation in Incomplete Ordered Decision Systems


A method for analyzing incomplete ordered decision system(IODS) is proposed. First, we analyze the limitations of existing generalized dominance relations. On this basis, we define an improved limited tolerance dominance relation, and study its properties. Consider that the monotonicity of boundary region of IODS is not established, the attribute reduction based on the approximate quality is defined. The significance of attributes based on the approximate quality is defined, and a heuristic attribute reduction algorithm with time complexity O(|U|~2|C|~3) is proposed. Finally, the validity of this method is verified by an example.



类型: 国际会议

作者: Li-he GUAN,Hong WANG

来源: 2019 International Conference on Computer Science,Communications and Multimedia Engineering(CSCME 2019) 2019-09-22

年度: 2019

分类: 基础科学

专业: 数学

单位: School of Mathematics and Statistics, Chongqing Jiaotong University

分类号: O225

DOI: 10.26914/c.cnkihy.2019.056220

页码: 112-117

总页数: 6

文件大小: 741k

下载量: 4

