
Meso-mechanical model of concrete under a penetration load


The influence of concrete components on projectile penetration is significant.To study the relationship between the equivalent mechanical properties and components of concrete under a penetration load,concrete is simplified as a two-phase composite of coarse aggregate and mortar,and a meso-mechanical model is established,including the equivalent equation of state model,the equivalent confining pressure strength model and the equivalent dynamic tensile strength model,considering shear stress,large deformation and pore compression.Tests of the mechanical properties of mortar,concrete and limestone were conducted;the results show that the equivalent mechanical properties of concrete calculated by the meso-mechanical model are consistent with the test results,and the equivalent mechanical properties of concrete with different volume fractions of coarse aggregate are obtained.Meso-scale and macro-scale numerical simulations of a projectile penetrating into concrete are carried out,the penetration depths obtained by meso-scale and macro-scale numerical simulations are consistent for different volume fractions of coarse aggregate and different velocities of the projectile,which verifies the rationality of the meso-mechanical model.



类型: 期刊论文

作者: Cheng Wu,Wenbin Li,Xiaojun Shen

来源: Defence Technology 2019年06期

年度: 2019

分类: 工程科技Ⅱ辑

专业: 武器工业与军事技术

单位: Ministerial Key Laboratory of ZNDY,Nanjing University of Science and Technology,Beijing Special Electrical and Mechanical Research Institute

基金: supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China [grant number 51278250]

分类号: TJ06

页码: 936-948

总页数: 13

文件大小: 1999K

下载量: 1

