
Structured illumination microscopy imaging of mitochondria in living cells


1.Introduction The mitochondrion is an essential organelle to produce energy in cells.It is challenging for fluorescence microscopy due to the highly folded inner membrane with topologically complicated structures1.Structured illumination microscopy2(SIM) with our proposed reconstruction method3 is the most suitable fluorescence microscopy to visualize mitochondrial inner membrane dynamics in living cells owing to a less photodamage and a higher resolution.2.Results The Hessian-SIM can retain the details and suppress the artifacts in the reconstruction.Fig.1 shows the mitochondrial inner membrane in living COS-7 cells labeled with MitoTracker Green FM under wide field(a) and 2 D-SIM(b).It provides a detailed view on the inner membrane architecture in mitochondria.3.Conclusion We proposed a modified parameter estimation method and Hessian-SIM microscopy,which can visualize vivid dynamics of mitochondrial cristae structures during fusion,fission and inter-cristae remodeling in living cells.



类型: 国内会议

作者: Xiaoshuai Huang,Junchao Fan,Liuju Li,Shan Tan,Liangyi Chen

来源: 第三届中国生物物理学会代谢生物学分会学术研讨会 2019-05-10

年度: 2019

分类: 基础科学

专业: 生物学

单位: Institute of Molecular Medicine,Peking University,School of Automation,Huazhong University of Science and Technology

分类号: Q2-33

DOI: 10.26914/c.cnkihy.2019.051036

页码: 84+62

总页数: 2

文件大小: 559k

