
Removal of Nitride from Shale Diesel Fraction with FeCl3-Based Ionic Liquids


FeCl3-based ionic liquid [Bmim]Br/FeCl3 with lower viscosity was synthesized and its structure was characterized with FT-IR spectroscopy. The denitrogenation performance of the ionic liquid was investigated using the Fushun shale diesel fraction with high nitrogen content. Experimental results showed that the ionic liquid presented good denitrogenation performance and the basic N and total N removal efficiency can reach 95.29% and 89.77% under conditions covering a temperature of 30 °C, an IL/oil mass ratio of 1:1, an extraction time of 30 min, and a settling time of 2 h. Correspondingly, the basic N and total N contents in shale diesel fraction dropped from the original 5 454 μg/g and 9 832 μg/g to 257 μg/g and1 006 μg/g, respectively. In addition, the basic-N removal efficiency can still reach 60% at an IL/oil mass ratio of 1:7 during four recycles of the ionic liquid.


  • 1 Introduction
  • 2 Experimental
  •   2.1 Experimental reagents and apparatus
  •     2.1.1 Experimental reagents
  •     2.1.2 Experimental apparatus
  •   2.2 Synthesis of IL[Bmim]Br/FeCl3
  •   2.3 Experimental feedstock
  •   2.4 Denitrogenation experiment procedure and N-content analysis
  • 3 Results and Discussion
  •   3.1 Characterization and performance determination of IL[Bmim]Br/FeCl3
  •     3.1.1 FTIR spectroscopy
  •     3.1.2 Anionic structure
  •     3.1.3 Thermogravimetric analysis of IL
  •     3.1.4 Viscosity determination
  •   3.2 Denitrogenation with ionic liquid[Bmim]Br/FeCl3
  •     3.2.1 Investigation on N-removal performance of[Bmim]Br/FeCl3
  •     3.2.2 Effect of mass ratio of IL/oil on N-removal efficiency
  •     3.2.3 Effect of temperature on N removal efficiency
  •     3.2.4 Regeneration of IL
  • 4 Conclusions
  • 文章来源

    类型: 期刊论文

    作者: Liu Jie,Liu Jinbo,Li Wenshen

    来源: China Petroleum Processing & Petrochemical Technology 2019年03期

    年度: 2019

    分类: 工程科技Ⅰ辑

    专业: 燃料化工,石油天然气工业

    单位: College of Chemistry, Chemical Engineering and Environmental Engineering, Liaoning Shihua University

    基金: financial support from the Doctoral Funds of Liaoning Provincial Natural Science Foundation (201601323)

    分类号: TE624.55

    页码: 46-52

    总页数: 7

    文件大小: 428K

    下载量: 6

