
Detection of small delamination in mullite/Si/SiC model EBC system by pulse thermography


The pulse thermography(PT) technique was applied to the detection of the delamination of a multi-layered coating system composed of mullite/Si onto a reaction-bonded Si C substrate. The potential evaluation was carried out in order to detect internal delamination in multi-layered material system. Moreover, the observation of the cross sections and 3D views obtained by X-ray computed tomography(CT) indicated that the delamination occurred at the interface between the top coat and the bond coat layers. The changes in the temperature distribution obtained by PT indicated the existence of a delamination area in the top coat layer of the mullite. In particular, the lower temperature region corresponded to the delamination area. The experimental results confirmed that the PT technique is effective with respect to the internal delamination of multi-layered coating system.



类型: 期刊论文

作者: Yutaro ARAI,Ryo INOUE

来源: Journal of Advanced Ceramics 2019年03期

年度: 2019

分类: 工程科技Ⅰ辑

专业: 材料科学

单位: Department of Materials Science and Technology, Tokyo University of Science,Department of Mechanical Engineering, Tokyo University of Science

分类号: TB306

页码: 438-447

总页数: 10

文件大小: 813K

下载量: 16

