
Application of Edge-chain Matrices of Graph to find all Eulerian Cycles


The initial edge-chain matrix and general edge-chain matrix of graph are presented. The operations of the general edge-chain matrices are derived, by which a method to find all Eulerian cycles is obtained. Only through some power operations of the initial edge-chain matrix, can reveal all Eulerianian cycles which are showed in the final edge-chain matrix. This method can determine whether Eulerianian cycles exist or not and if they do can also find out all of them. It is effective to directed or undirected finite graph. And it can be simplified by computations of some row vectors and column vectors of some power of the initial edge-matrix. This pure mathematical method shows the results more intuitive and makes program operation easier.



类型: 国际会议

作者: Zunhai Gao,Zhuo Chen

来源: 2019 2nd International Conference on Mechanical Engineering,Industrial Materials and Industrial Electronics(MEIMIE 2019) 2019-03-29

年度: 2019

分类: 基础科学

专业: 数学

单位: School of Mathematics and Computer Science Wuhan Polytechnic University,School of Economics and Management Wuhan Polytechnic University

分类号: O157.5

页码: 457-462

总页数: 6

文件大小: 920k

下载量: 3

