
A retroactive approach to microgrid real-time scheduling in quest of perfect dispatch solution


As an emerging paradigm in distributed power systems,microgrids provide promising solutions to local renewable energy generation and load demand satisfaction.However,the intermittency of renewables and temporal uncertainty in electrical load create great challenges to energy scheduling,especially for small-scale microgrids.Instead of deploying stochastic models to cope with such challenges,this paper presents a retroactive approach to real-time energy scheduling,which is prediction-independent and computationally efficient.Extensive case studies were conducted using 3-year-long real-life system data,and the results of simulations show that the cost difference between the proposed retroactive approach and perfect dispatch is less than 11% on average,which suggests better performance than model predictive control with the cost difference at 30% compared to the perfect dispatch.



类型: 期刊论文

作者: Youwei JIA,Xue LYU,Chun Sing LAI,Zhao XU,Minghua CHEN

来源: Journal of Modern Power Systems and Clean Energy 2019年06期

年度: 2019

分类: 工程科技Ⅱ辑

专业: 电力工业

单位: Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering,Southern University of Science and Technology,Department of Electrical Engineering,The Hong Kong Polytechnic University,Department of Electrical Engineering,School of Automation,Guangdong University of Technology,School of Civil Engineering,Faculty of Engineering,University of Leeds,The Chinese University of Hong Kong

基金: partially supported by Hong Kong RGC Theme-based Research Scheme (No. T23-407,13N and No. T23-701,14N),SUSTech Faculty Startup Funding (No. Y01236135 and No. Y01236235)

分类号: TM73

页码: 1608-1618

总页数: 11

文件大小: 4589K

下载量: 4

