
Recent advances in connected and automated vehicles


Connected and automated vehicle(CAV) is a transformative technology that has great potential to change our daily life. Therefore, CAV related research has been advanced significantly in recent years. This paper does a comprehensive review on five selected subjects that lie in the heart of CAV research:(i) inter-CAV communications;(ii) security of CAVs;(iii) intersection control for CAVs;(iv) collision-free navigation of CAVs; and(v)pedestrian detection and protection. It is believed that these topics are essential to ensure the success of CAVs and need to be better understood. For inter-CAV communications, this paper focuses on both Dedicated Short Range Communications(DSRC) and the future 5 G cellular technologies; for security of CAVs, this paper discusses both passive and active attacks and the existing solutions; for intersection control, this paper summarizes the pros and cons of both centralized and decentralized approaches; for collision avoidance, this paper concentrates on four subareas: maneuverability, vehicle networking, control confliction, and motorcycles; for pedestrian detection, this paper covers sensor, radar, and computer vision based approaches. Under each topic, this paper not only shows the stateof-the-art, but also unveils potential future research directions. By establishing connections among these subjects, this paper shows how they interact with each other and how they can be integrated into a seamless user experience. It is believed that the literature covered and conclusions drawn in this paper are very helpful to CAV researchers, application engineers, and policy makers.



类型: 期刊论文

作者: David Elliott,Walter Keen,Lei Miao

来源: Journal of Traffic and Transportation Engineering(English Edition) 2019年02期

年度: 2019

分类: 工程科技Ⅱ辑,信息科技

专业: 公路与水路运输,计算机软件及计算机应用

单位: Department of Engineering Technology, Middle Tennessee State University

分类号: U495

页码: 109-131

总页数: 23

文件大小: 3316K

下载量: 86

